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Endorsement for Disciples of Jesus
Nothing in existence explains or defines itself. If it is to be understood, it must be considered as to how and where it fits as part of the whole. The title of this book includes “disciples” which raises a plethora of questions: If we are disciples, who or what are we disciples of and, as disciples, how are we to live, love, what are we to believe, and how are we to behave? This all seems complex, but the mystery is hugely addressed in the book you are holding! In this book, the author answers these questions and many more. I love the author, he is a spiritual son, and I walk with him. He challenges me to think, he whets my appetite for spiritual truth and feeds my spirit on spiritual things. This treatise should be considered foundational in a study of biblical discipleship.
Michael is a student of the Kingdom of God and vows to its absolute centrality as well as its supremacy. Thus, knowing him is to virtually guarantee that anything he writes will be in view of what he considers as the whole of reality, the Kingdom of God. Though this is a book on true discipleship, it is freighted with Kingdom truth. Michael Gissibl is a true mystic, a great thinker and a disciple of the Kingdom of God. He brings with his journalistic skills a keen knowledge of how the human brain functions and, with his wife, serves as a successful counselor and an exciting speaker regarding all that is Kingdom. Best and highest of all, he has learned to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. He believes, as I do, that the present and growing interest and excitement about the Kingdom of God is a forecast of a sweeping spiritual awakening, calling us to recognize God as Creator and ruler over all things.
Anointed preaching may well ignite the final harvest, a season when millions will come to Jesus and join the mighty army of Kingdom-empowered believers. Books like this one will encourage the church to come up to Kingdom consideration, understanding, discernment, and articulation, launching it into its God-ordained and God-empowered place in the world. When you see Michael Gissibl’s name on a book, buy it and read it. When you see that he is speaking somewhere near you, go hear him. You will not be disappointed. I highly recommend other books listed at the end of this volume.
Jack R. Taylor,
President, Dimensions Ministries
Melbourne, Florida
Endorsements for Discovering the Kingdom
In 'Discovering the Kingdom', Michael guides us in a rediscovery of what has been there all along, but what the Lord has been waiting for His church to truly prioritize and understand. At the Lord's command the church has been praying for over 2000 years that His kingdom would come and His will be done. This book is a tool and yet a charge to live and proclaim in confidence that our prayers have been and are being answered. This is a call to keep the main thing, the kingdom, as the main thing!
David White
Lead Pastor of The Gathering Church
Moravian Falls, NC
Michael Gissibl has no doubt spent the time to recommend how to seek the Kingdom. His passion is evident in every page and his insight is not only informative, but inspiring. Discovering the Kingdom is a treatise on how the Kingdom operates and how we can discover our place in it. As the context for all that is, the Kingdom is the most noble and necessary pursuit of this life. Michael demonstrates how this message has been forgotten, the demand for its return, and the rewards for discovering it for ourselves. Discovering the Kingdom has the potential to change lives.
Tim P. Taylor
Founder/Publisher Burkhart Books
Bedford, Texas
Endorsements for Discovering The Kingdom
I do not remember a book that sparked in me any more anticipation than this one. Allow me to present in order the reasons for this:
The man: Michael Gissibl (actually pronounced like "kissable"), is an intriguing Christian, an able writer, a deep thinker, and as near a modern mystic as anybody I know. Several years ago, he began to develop a taste for knowledge on the Kingdom of God. That knowledge soon became a life-shaping passion which brought him to one of our Sons' events, during which he became a spiritual son. Our passions met on this common theme and the rest is history. It is my delight to introduce to you the man who penned this splendid work.
The message: the contents on the following pages deal with the most important theme in the New Testament or, for that matter, the Old Testament, namely the Kingdom of God. Many books have been written on the subject and many more will follow, but this book will remain special among them for a number of reasons, the greatest of which, in my opinion, is the freshness with which the subject is presented which involves a challenge to the reader to make a life-long commitment to seek the Kingdom with instructions on how to do it.
The mission: contained in this volume is the unapologetic demand to make room for both the King and His Kingdom in your life. Michael is a man on a mission and he makes it plain in the pages to follow. Pay close attention to the instructions following each chapter and take heed to the requested assignments. When the reader is finished with this book the journey in Kingdom-seeking and finding will have begun. Next to the thrill of discovering the Kingdom of God and the collateral implications for one’s own self is the pleasure of helping another do the same.
The meaning: Read the book you have opened with the excitement that would accompany a journey to an ancient land in search of buried treasure with map in hand. You will find in the days ahead potential information that will powerfully impact the remainder of your life.
Thanks, Michael, for a work well done!
Jack Taylor, President,
Dimensions Ministries
Melbourne, Florida
When Papa Jack introduced me to Michael Gissibl, he had already put his approval on the man. When a spiritual father validates, the other sons must take the relationship of brotherhood seriously. I have found that Michael is very insightful with a clear understanding of the Kingdom and the King. He has made seeking the kingdom first his primary focus. As you look into the pages of this book, you will find a fresh and pure revelation of the kingdom. Michael brings clarity of Kingdom DNA and reveals how it filters down into the day to day life of a believer. I personally have found principles in this book that are showing me how to walk in the 5-fold ministry in the church with a better kingdom focus. I highly recommend this book and the man.
Charles L Coker
Senior Leader-Identity Church
Deltona Florida
There will never be a more important topic than the Kingdom of God. All of God's people have one primary goal in life. We are to seek the Kingdom first. This book will help you discover the topic and launch you on the path needed to achieve that. I hope you will find it helpful and insightful.
Louis DeSiena
Senior Leader/Torch Bearers Church
Jacksonville, Florida
Michael Gissibl has dedicated his life to “seek first the Kingdom of God,” unlike few other men I have known. In his book Discovering the Kingdom, Michael shares many revelatory ways in which he has learned to walk in incredible relationship to the Father. Michael does not approach these as abstract ideas that he prescribes arbitrarily. Rather, he is a practitioner of these disciplines and shares from a place of personal experience. Michael is a loving husband and father, a faithful friend and a passionate follower of Jesus. I trust that you will be both challenged and inspired as you read.
Rob Sperti
Pastor in community
Garden City Church
Milwaukee Wisconsin
Endorsement for Disciples of Jesus
Disciples of Jesus is an invitation to explore the Kingdom of God in a depth that requires continual renewing of the mind. Michael Gissibl not only suggests that we can, but makes clear the Lord’s instruction that we must make a transition of the mind that permits thinking from Heaven to earth. Kingdom consciousness is a concept that, prior to now, has had little impact. It is Kingdom explorers like Michael that dare to delve into the wild and greater depths of the Kingdom. Like spiritual pioneers, they dare to go beyond what is safe—what is mapped out—to blaze a Kingdom trail for the body of Christ.
Brian Higbee
Author of Living the Kingdom Life and Sr. Leader at CityChurch in Connellsville, PA